LIBERTAD Metal Prints
LIBERTAD is an oil painting on a wood panel and is available as prints. This painting was created in honor of all the immigrants seeking asylum and a safer life in the United States. The mother and son in this painting are based on my dear friends, Hilda and Ivan, who courageously left their home in Guatemala and led a sanctuary movement in the United States in 2016-2022.
The painting shows the quetzal bird flying above the mother, Guatemala’s national bird and symbol of freedom as well as the many beautiful flowers and familiar plant life of Guatemala. The blue jay flying above the boy symbolizes the spirit of bravery and intuition to follow the right path. The inner landscape and sole man in a small boat represent the challenges a person faces in adapting to a new culture and the roots under their feet symbolize their search to feel rooted and safe. The butterflies symbolize transformation and migration reminding us that immigration is an ever happening occurrence throughout human kind, throughout time, all over the world.
Metal prints are made from 100% recycled aluminum, and the surface is scratch resistant, weatherproof, and waterproof.
5% of your purchase automatically goes to The Nature Conservancy, but the Libertad prints are special in that I give all of the profits to Hearts In Motion, a humanitarian organization that works to provide medical care, education, and human dignity to families in Guatemala.
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